Seducing Her Son - Melissa Lynn
Published on: 23 Jul, 2021 38.67K views

Melissa Lynn - Seducing Her Son by PrimalFetish Matt’s mom comes in the kitchen from some errands before she heads to the beach for happy hour with her friend, not expecting Matt home until later that night from a work trip. She finds her laptop on the counter, when she finds her son’s mom son porn. Surprised and confused, she calls her friend to discuss it. Mom (picks up phone and dials) – “Hey Sophia, you busy?” *pause* “No no, I’m still going for sure. I just wanted to ask you something.” *pause* (laughs) “Well no, but so…I found Matt’s porn…and I’m kind of, I don’t know, surprised?” (Leans on counter to read laptop) “It’s like…taboo taboo stuff…let me read the title of this. ‘Mommy sucks son’s cock’ and this one! ‘Mom seduces son with her big tits’. Like what am I supposed to even do?” *pause* “Wait, you WHAT!? With James!?” *pause* “Soph…that’s your own son…I don’t think I could ever…” *pause* “I mean I’ve caught him looking at me…and I am lonely…but I’m his mom. I mean, it does kind of turn me on when I think about it, you really think I should try too?… (laughs) but I don’t kno- (She hears the front door open) DAMN! He’s home now…I’ll call you when I’m leaving the house I’m coming over now!” Scene Fades — Scene Opens — Later that day… Matt’s mom arrives home from the beach and heads to her room to change out of her bikini. She walks past Matt standing in the kitchen, she stops and talks to him. Matt (looks up at his mom walking in the room in her sexy bikini) – “Hey mom, what’s up?” Mom (big smile) – “Hey sweetie! How’re you!? Sorry I split out the second you got home. I was in a rush!” Matt – “It’s all good I got home pretty early anyways” Mom – “Well that’s nice at least, how was work!? You were gone for what felt like forever.” Matt – “It was good, same old same old. What were you up too earlier?” Mom – “Oh you know, did some shopping, nothing special. But I did get to tan with Sophia in this new bikini I bought!” (Does a quick spin, and does a small pose squeezing her tits together) Matt (distracted, staring at his mom’s gorgeous tits) – “Sounds like a lot of fun…” Mom – “Yeah we’re going out to Coco’s later if you wanna come with!” Matt (still distracted by his mom’s body) – “Uhh yeah maybe..” Mom – “That sounds like a no! What’re you doing? Why are you so distracted! Lemme see that thing.” Porn Star: Melissa Lynn
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