No dignity and no honor for the cockold
Published on: 20 Nov, 2018 24.26K views

The cuckold!! and who doesnt know who is the cuckold, actually they are normal people who live among us and they act just normal, but in the end of the day they look at their wifes and hope on a bull to come and fuck their wifes for them, and there is a lot of theories about cuckolds, to understand more their behavior, and what makes them what they are, some of these hypothesis says that the cuckold is a clever man who doesnt consider his wife as his propertie and he gives her freedom, and some say that they like to be humilated and that they have a fetish and they get aroused by watching their partners getting fucked infrot of their eyes, cuckolds exist since forever, and they are mentioned in a lot of old and historical books, and in this serie of no dignity and no Honor for the cuckold, we will show the diffrent types of cuckolds, case by case. Episod1: Angred and her husband, they are a nice couples who loves each other, and they have a normal lovely life, but the husband has this fetish and he keeps on searching for a bull every where, and every time, to satisfy his fetish and also his horny wife, and thats when Antonio sent both of them to (Meshal) who spent a whole week with them and he kept on fucking his wife, and humilate him, and steped on his head, and peed on him and on his wife and over all that the cuckold goes back to Antonio and said that he didnt have enough, and begged for more humilation, cos the cuckold knew that Antonio can humilate him the right way
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