La Dolce Vita Cinquecento - Valentina Nappi
Published on: 25 Apr, 2021 11.71K views

The "Cinquecento" in the title of Alis Locanta's "La Dolce Vita Cinquecento" refers to the red nuovo Fiat 500 the film's stars — Valentina Nappi and Denis A — are riding around in during the opening minutes of the movie. A scratched film effect, music with a 60s cinema soundtrack flavor, and the northern Italian scenery sets the tone with style, and it's easy to believe that this appealing twosome are lovers out enjoying a beautiful day. It's also easy to see that they're in the mood for more than a Sunday drive, and the film quickly shifts gears. Next the couple are indoors, alone, and eager to enjoy one another. But eagerness doesn't translate to rushed, and each piece of Valentina's particularly sexy outfit — red dress, bra, panties, garter belt — comes off at a brisk yet deliberate pace. Once her charms are revealed Denis makes a meal of them, hungrily eating as his eyes take in the sights of Ms. Nappi's beautiful face and voluptuous body. Valentina has appetites of her own, of course, and after she's satisfied her oral cravings the couple connect with fevered physicality enhanced by their obvious mutual attraction. The stylish filmmaking and passionate performances make "La Dolce Vita Cinquecento" a particularly enjoyable ride. Porn Star: Valentina Nappi
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